Founder and Co-Author - Sulla Razza
A podcast that translates words and concepts on the racial issue from the Anglo-American context to Italian society. Sponsored by Juventus F.C. and produced by One Podcast.
Host - Parole Nuove
The podcast of IOM – International Organisation for Migration aims to stimulate an informed debate on migration through a less polarized and divisive language.
Author and Host - Generazione Liminale
Produced by the Office for Networks and Cultural Cooperation of the City of Milan and the Department of Media and Performing Arts – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.
Author - Lavoro e speranza
A branded vodcast produced by creative agency Ciaopeople. It promotes the partnership between Italian tomato company Mutti and UNHCR.
Selected Writings
I write a weekly book column for Internazionale magazine, Il Libro, mainly about Italian fiction.
My op-eds on foreign fiction works can be read in La Repubblica’s weekly supplement, Robinson.
Eating with hands
L’Integrale is a magazine on bread and culture. For its 5th issue I wrote a short story about how I learnt to eat with a fork.
Writer on racial issues in Italy
For international independent media platform Open Democracy I covered racial issues in Italy.